Every Woman is a STEM Woman

"Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics....the foundation of industry and commerce world wide.

STEM for Women Magazine is not a curriculum, but rather a resource of awareness that exists to provide clarity on the subject of how we already incorporate STEM into every class, how to encourage the creative process and cultivate curiosity in both the teacher and student. In addition, STEM for Women Magazine strives to encourage educators about the urgent need for this inclusion in light of their responsibility to equip students fully for their careers.

Preparing young women for those careers begins this year in schools around the globe. The responsibility and privilege for inspiring our women in that direction rests squarely on the shoulders of our educators and mentors.

The future of American and Global economics rests on the success of our STEM education efforts in schools around the world. The foundations laid in elementary and middle school are critical to interest levels, proficiency and test scores of high school students preparing to enter the work force.

STEM for Women Magazine is under the umbrella of STEM Magazine Inc.

Wayne Carley
STEM Magazine, STEM for Women Magazine

